I took a look at the Rescued Pond today and was surprised how low the water had dropped. The land bridge between the two sides was almost back again.
There was only a small chance of rain today and I didn’t want to run the risk of the sides getting split apart and the old side drying out again. The challenge is that there are tadpoles everywhere, so it is hard to do a lot of digging without disturbing or crushing them. Well, better disturbed then dried out so more digging was in order.
It is hard being deft with a backhoe, even one as little as mine. Overall I thing I did a decent job of not disturbing too much and getting one side of the bridge removed. I don’t like digging in water because I can’t see what I’m doing and I’m sure it isn’t good for the joints. Still I dug down pretty deep so that it won’t have to be dealt with again later.
I still have more digging to do in the pond, but I’ll do that over time so that I’m not disturbing too much at once. Eventually I’ll have another go at making it a lot bigger, but I’ll probably wait until winter when there is less around to disturb.
Also, now that I’ve given the pond a name (Rescued Pond), I created a category for it so the whole story is easier to find.