What is it? Number 2

This little tree is just north of the driveway. The picture is taken from a large boulder that it sits behind so I am above it. It has bunches of small white flowers. Some of the clusters also have reddish parts to the flowers.

A tree with bunches of small white flowers

A tree with bunches of small white flowers

The area has lots of things growing wild, so that there are many different things in the picture that can be confusing. I am pretty sure I saw a wild grape vine in this little tree. It looks like there is a maple there and who knows what else. Well, I ‘m sure someone knows, it is just not me.

A close-up of the cluster of flowers and leaves

A close-up of the cluster of flowers and leaves.

Once I know what this tree is, I can decide if its worth the time to clear out around it and give it a bit more room.

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